About Us

         We met in high school in the early 90’s. We dated at the time and adored each other. After a time, we began to grow apart and went our separate ways. Vanessa had a baby boy, whom she named David, and moved to Seattle, where she went to college and became active in fire and EMS. Ian worked in various industries, becoming quite adept at several trades.

          We kept in contact now and then over the years. Eventually, Vanessa and David moved back to Colorado, and Vanessa became a nurse. Some years later we began seeing each other more and realized we wanted to be together forever. When Ian asked David’s permission to marry Vanessa, David gave his blessing freely, and we became engaged in 2016.

          In September of 2017, tragedy struck when David passed away suddenly at the age of 23, after an asthma attack and subsequent coma. Our family was completely devastated and Vanessa was utterly destroyed. Being a nurse and not being able to save her own son caused her to question everything, and practicing nursing became increasingly difficult for her, despite how much she cared for others. Though heartbroken, Ian was a rock through it all. Losing your child changes people in ways which are really hard to explain. Our perspectives shifted, and while family and loved ones had always been extremely important, it became our most important priority.

          We wanted a life where we could get back to our roots, in the quiet, peaceful refuge of a rural setting, and enjoy our immediate and extended family. Ian loved the idea of farming and so did I, but we didn’t want to grow just anything, we still wanted to help others somehow. Inspired by David’s love of nature and the outdoors, his adventurous spirit, and his unfailing love for family, we took a huge leap of faith. We quit our jobs, sold our home in Colorado, and bought a farm in rural New Mexico. We decided to grow fresh produce because of its health benefits.

         David was always so generous in spirit, was always wanting to help people by any means, and had a wonderfully funny sense of humor. He would go to great lengths to care for or help someone in need. For us, this farm honors his legacy. High quality products and integrity are the cornerstones of what we do, while love and family are the foundation. 

             We thank you for your business, and we look forward to serving our community and others, and to continuing to keep David’s legacy alive.

Yours Truly, 

Ian and Vanessa Adams